Financial Giving

On this page you can find out about Faithful Giving, make a one-off donation to St Christopher’s Church, or give to one of our special collections (please see below).

We could not fulfil our life as a church without the generosity of the people who provide their time, talents and financial support to the life and ministry of St Christopher’s Church. 

Faithful Giving

Faithful giving means making your offering to church in a planned, regular way. You can do this by Standing Order or by joining our Planned Envelope Scheme.

If you use online or telephone banking, you can set up a Standing Order with our bank details:

Account Name: Walworth St Christopher PCC
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00008464

If you don’t use online banking, please download and send this form to your bank: Standing Order Form

If you are a UK taxpayer, please download and complete a Gift Aid Declaration

If you prefer using cash, to join our Planned Envelope Scheme, please get in touch

One-off donations

To make a one-off donation to St Christopher’s Church, please visit our Online Giving Page or scan the QR code below:

Special collections

Please use the links below to make a donation for a specific purpose.

We would like to develop our Children & Youth Ministry

To find out more please visit